Obviously, the first thing the reader is going to think about is « Ruse », the town along the Danube in Northern Bulgaria, also called « Little Vienna ». And that’s right, we are here speaking about it. But not only… As the reader knows, in English (and in French), « ruse » also means « cunning, trick ». Today, we would like to share more on the last novel « Ruse »of Eric Naulleau.
For his first novel « Ruse », the essayist and literary critic Eric Naulleau chooses the genre of thriller whose plot he sets in Bulgaria, lending a Balkan exoticism to his love thriller.
So, a few weeks ago, a little before Christmas, when we had reached Paris to celebrate family holidays, we crew ran to the bookstore to get the book and read it. It made us want to know more because it is not common that a French author writes on a novel about Bulgaria.
About the author Eric Naulleau
Have you ever heard of this writer? Check here (in french) if you want to learn a bit more about him. In short, Eric Naulleau is a French editor, essayist, translator, literary critic, sports columnist, radio and television host.
His wife is Bulgarian. He discovered Bulgaria many years ago. And obviously, Eric felt in love with the country (and we can only understand it ;-)). So, a few months ago, Eric decided to choose Ruse as the scene of the story of his first novel. The book called « Ruse« . Madame Bulgaria could not miss such an opportunity!
About the novel « Ruse »
The story of the novel « Ruse » is very realistic. We have to say that to having lived in Bulgaria many years, we could feel the atmosphere that Eric wanted to create for the reader. However, to be totally honest, it might be a bit hard for a non fluent french speaker to read. As a matter of fact, the writing style is not easy if you don’t master the language of Molière.
However, the book can be read very fast if you don’t bug on the style of language. We are obviously not going to unveil the plot but there are a few paragraphs where we really had a good laugh so much they sounded familiar to anyone who « experienced » Bulgaria.
A little teasing of the novel « Ruse »
Just for the pleasur to give the reader an overview of what to expect, here is a little teasing:
« The arrival of a big black sedan interruped the monologue. An evidence that we were getting closer to the civilized world after those hours spent wandering in the middle of the discolored immensities. Or maybe not. Four men got out of the car in what could look like a uniform for civilians, dark sunglasses, black trousers and white shirts. The doors slammed with a beautiful set. The man up the rear of the quartet lifted his tinted glasses to let a persistent gaze run over Deliana as if he was weighing a commodity and struggling to estimate the price. Smirking, he then joined his friends around a nearby table.Honest traders, commented Serge, it shows right away. »
If you want to know how it ends, then, you have to purchase the book 😉
Madame Bulgaria is a webzine launched in June 2016 in English. Its aim is to show to the world how Bulgaria is a very nice country, full of potential. We cover all kind of topics – Lifestyle, Culture, Places, Food, People, Tourism, Beauty, Fashion, Business, Ecosystem, and More. We try to be as objective as possible. Madame Bulgaria crew works every week to offer a new, fresh and dynamic content on Bulgaria.