The Fête de la Musique, also known as Music Day or World Music Day, is an annual music celebration taking place every year, the 21 June, the first Summer’s day. For its 6th Edition, Varna will be highly musical tonight.
The concept of an all-day musical celebration on the days of the solstice, was originated by the French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang. The idea was to promote music in urban space. The first edition of the Festival took place in Paris, in 1982. Since, every year, this music festival is held on 5 continents, in more than 120 countries and 700 cities. The date – June 21 – was chosen because it is the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere, and also the longest day of the year. Participation in the festival is entirely free for public, and open to professionals and also amateurs.
Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, celebrated the Fête de la Musique last year for the first time. But in 2017, the music event will take place only in Varna, on the Black Sea. At this occasion, as over the world, and for its 6th edition, organized by the francophone center of the city, Varna celebrates from 4:00pm to 10:00pm all the musical genres : pop, rock, swing, electronic music, jazz, hip hop, classic.
Today, in the Sea garden, there were a few different scenes with different types of music. The weather was absolutely wonderful, hot, sunny and you could feel this light humidity in the air which is so typical from the cities located on the sea coast. People were walking quietly in the park, drinking a beer or eating an ice cream and stoping in front of the scenes to listen and look at the different groups. Other musical scenes are also organized in more unusual places such as bars, restaurants, bakery, bank and Opera.
But, no need to write more about it. Just need to watch this short video.