Tempus Vini Wine Point, Welcome to Kalin in Sofia

Tempus Wine

The Bulgarian wine is interesting and really promising. Because we love it, we are always impatient to make you discover new friendly places where to taste it. What more about the last one, Tempus Vini Wine Shop in Sofia center ? We met Kalin Nikolov Kuchev, the owner. 

We were strolling on the Knyaz Boris Street, close to Vitosha Boulevard, in the Center of Sofia, during a nice and quiet Saturday Morning, when we discovered a wine shop we did not know yet. Yes, it happens ! Installed there only a few months ago, Kalin Nikolov Kuchev, the owner, is a wine lover with a real passion and desire to share. He was informed a customer about his wines when we landed in the small shop, determined to know everything, absolutely everything. We started a wine tasting totally improvised at 11:00 am. And we were really surprised by the quality of wines, Bulgarian of course, but not only. The cellar of Kalin is European, even International with some american wines from US. Surrounded by dozens of bottles, Kalin took time to inform us about his wines while a 5 different wines tasting. On the first floor, a small lower balcony is arranged with a sofa and small desks, ideal for tastings with friends. Let’s go for the interview.

Tempus Vini

Kalin, what made you want to open this wine shop ?

I’m interested in wine for 7-8 years, participated in many tastings, food courses, dinners and planning to join Bulgarian Sommelier of the year next year. I love wine, it’s mystery which I have to solve every time when I pour it into the glass. I’m lucky that I live and work in a beautiful wine country. We think that personal attitude is the most important when customer came in, that’s why our customers are friends to us ! We opened the shop on 30th September last year and we countinue to develop it. It’s a nice street that you can find anything, across the shop is the Greek Deli-greek grocery with which we collaborate when tastings occur.

What is the universe of this shop ? Why are you different from others ? 

We offer more than 400 labels (keep increase), mostly unique Bulgarian wines from unique varieties. You can find wines that are available in Tempus Vini. Some of the vintages are from 120 bottles ! Of course there are foreign wines from all over the world : France (Chetau Montplasir), Spain (Torres), Italy (Antinori, Frescobaldi, Piccini..), Germany, Austria (Kurt Angered), RSA, USA (Mondavi, Ravenswood), Serbia, Macedonia … and even Brazil.

Tempus Vini
What do you think of Bulgarian wine ?

In past decade the quality of Bulgarian wines had a tremendous development. Every year there are several new producer’s who make good wine. Also there are many that make great wines (especially reds). We’ll  a great future if we keep going !

What is your favorite wine and winery ?

I’ve selected all of my wines so I can not say which I like the most. All ! I’ve got wine for every taste, for every budget, from 6.90 to 590 BGN.

Tempus Vini
Do you meet the Bulgarian winery owners ?

I’ve met most of the Bulgarian wine producers and I must say that they are 100% devote of their work and projects. They make it’s wines with passion and love, the only way to success.

What do you want your clients to discover ? 

Finding wine for yourself is not a easy task. Then it comes my part, to know what they want and what they get. Is it for dinner, occasion or just easy drink in front of TV. I can proudly say that I know the taste of every single client when he/she comes and I will help if it’s necessary.

Tempus Vini
Tempus Vini
Have you see an growing interest for the wine in Bulgaria ? 

Nowadays there are many wineshops with boutique wines which show increasing interest about god, quality wine. What will be a dinner without having a nice glass of wine ? Macron said the answer « Vie miserable… « .

Tempus Vini
More about your tasting event ? 

We made several tastings. Sometimes with foreign wines, but most includes only Bulgarian’s. We collaborate with small Bulgarian groceries which provide natural, bio starters like goat cheese, different kind of sausages, pure cocoa chocolate. Last tasting was about Macedonian wines. They were intriguing with terrific quality. We discover many unknown for us variations of local grapes and show us that our neighbours are going up !

Tempus Vini

Tempus Vini Wine Shop is definitely a place to taste. Thank you very much Kalin for this very nice welcoming. 

More : Knyaz Boris Street 81, Sofia, Bulgaria / Facebook / Hours : 10:00am-9:00pm. 

Marie Pietrzak

Founder & Editorial Director

Marie is the founder of Madame Bulgaria. She fell in love with Bulgaria when she came for the first time for a weekend in 2012.

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