Bulgarian Yogurt : Why Should You See It As A Treasure

Bulgarian Yogurt Madame Bulgaria

Bulgarians can be proud to their yogurt. When you will try Bulgarian yogurt or as they call it here – kiselo mlyako – for the first time, you’ll undoubtedly find out its amazingly smooth and sour taste and also its exceptionally creamy aspect. Discover its 5 more special qualities that make this yogurt a Bulgarian Treasure.

The Bulgarian yogurt is one of the most delicious yogurts you have ever eaten. But this is not the only reason that makes Bulgarian yogurt a real treasure for every person who’s had the opportunity to eat a pot or two.

Below you can discover 5 more special qualities the Bulgarian yogurt possesses. That will make you realize why you should include in your everyday menu.

Powerful immunostimulant 

One of the essential advantages of this Bulgarian yogurt is the fact it can provide to the basic colon type of bacteria, which boost immunity. These bacteria are called Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. It is a type of microorganisms that influences our colon microflora positively. Also, it preserves the balance between the good and bad gut bacteria, which strengthens the immunity of everyone who regularly consumes kiselo mlyako.

Lactose-intolerant friendly

Another great advantage of Bulgarian yogurt is the small amounts of lactose. They are at such low levels due to the bacteria mentioned above. That makes the Bulgarian yogurt an indispensable part of the menu of all people who are lactose intolerant. It allows them to benefit from the healthy nutritional elements a yogurt could provide without suffering any negative consequences for their health. 

It helps cure problems with digestion

Bulgarian yogurt is included in many different nutritional diets recommended when treating specific stomach problems. And the reason for that lies again in the bacteria that kiselo mlyako contains. 

It could help avoid other severe diseases

Bulgarian yogurt is also recommended to people with hypertension, because it possesses the unique ability to lower down the blood pressure. Moreover, it can help to maintain the blood pressure level down if consumed daily. And that’s not all! Bulgarian yogurt also helps to preserve our heart healthy and reduces the possibility of a heart attack. And last but not least, eating it every day is a great way to manage cholesterol levels, avoid stroke and diabetes.

It helps to reduce your weight

Bulgarian yogurt is rich in proteins that could be easily digested, while at the same time, it’s extremely poor in carbohydrates. That makes it the perfect food to include in your diet for a beautiful body! Furthermore, not only is Bulgarian yogurt healthy, but it’s incredibly delicious. And you can eat it along with other foods that are beneficial to your health.

The list of the positive sides of this nutritional Bulgarian treasure called kiselo mlyako is so long that we can write about it for hours. Yet, the truth is you won’t know for yourselves if you like it before you try it. But we are sure that if you do, you won’t regret it even for a moment. And if you consume Bulgarian yogurt regularly, you will surely start experiencing its positive health effects. 

So, don’t waste more time and buy your first pot. Even abroad, you can find it in specialized grocery stores. Especially since in large cities, it is never impossible to find a Bulgarian grocery store. We wish to all that will or are eating it now Bon appetit or as they say here in Bulgaria – da vi e vkusno!

Madame Bulgaria is a webzine (a blog) launched in June 2016 in English. Our aim is to show to the world how Bulgaria is a very nice country, full of potential. We cover all kind of topics – Lifestyle, Culture, Places, Food, People, Tourism, Beauty, Fashion, Business, Ecosystem, and More. We try to be as objective as possible. Madame Bulgaria crew works every week to offer a new, fresh and dynamic content on Bulgaria.

Maria H.

Maria is a writer, teacher, translator who likes travelling and visiting different places. She is inspired by the beautiful things in life and the beautiful places she visits.

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