The Latino-Spark You Need To Fall In Love With Wednesdays In Sofia

Wednesday Nights in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, are hot. Yes, you heard right, Wednesday nights in Sofia are hot, Latino-hot.  

Imagine the following scenario: It’s a Wednesday evening in Sofia, you’ve just left work and are going through the typical “middle-of-the-week blues”. Sounds familiar? Well, say no more! We’ve got the ultimate tip to make Wednesday your favorite day of the week!

Have a weekly date with the “caliente” rhythm of a “Latino Party” at Largo bar & dinner.

The concept is simple: Go, have a drink, a tasty snack and take part of a salsa choreography as shown by two energetic, cheering, salsa instructors. No initial dance level needed. “The rhythm WILL eventually get you” in the words of G. Estefan. It is the boost that will brighten up your week, plus you can definitely substitute the daily fitness hour giving it all you’ve got on the dance-floor! It’s free, original and the most fun you’ll have for a while.

So, if you’re looking for the “little something-extra” missing from a Sofia night-out, look no more – Wednesday night Latino parties are IT! We guarantee it: you’ll “have the time of your life” …

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Latino Sofia Bulgaria - Madame Bulgaria


Lidia Aspridi

Lidia is what you might call "a citizen of the world" who believes in travelling as a way of life but always returns to Bulgaria, the place where she feels home.

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