DigitalK 2017 : The Time Machine to the Future, June 08-09

DigitalK Sofia 2017

Have you ever dreamed to travel in time ? Can you imagine being able to meet in person Julius Cesar, Napoleon, Albert Einstein, or, on the contrary, being able to travel into the future and see how the world will evolve ? Every kid, hooked on fantastic and science fiction movies, has dreamed of owning such a machine.

Guys, we have great news for you. A time machine for traveling to the future has finally been invented ! And it is conveniently located in Sofia this week. The machine is called DigitalK and takes the form of a week of curated events on the galvanizing topics in tech. The focal point of the said time machine is a grand tech conference, taking place on June 8th and 9th.

But, you might be wondering what DigitalK is. Aren’t you ?

DigitalK is a conference happening for the seventh consecutive year in Sofia, Bulgaria, and this event hosts some of the most influential global innovators and serial entrepreneurs. Yes, you read it right, during a few days, every year, many of the people shaping the future are meeting in Sofia to share their view of the future. Is that not amazing ? Are you not lucky to live in such a great city ?

DigitalK Sofia©DigitalK 2016 – Image ©Dan Taylor/Heisenberg MediaFor bookings contact.

Will self-driving cars save the world ? Is Bitcoin the new currency of trust ? What exactly is an entrepreneur ? Could technology influence the life of refugees ? These are just a few questions, among many others, to which these guys will attempt to provide answers.

They come from all over the word, including Silicon Valley, the Mecca of the High Tech, and you can come and listen to them sharing with the 2 500 attendees for this next Edition 2017, how they perceive the future.

The conference is about getting the facts, not the fiction. DigitalK is bringing together Brock Pierce from The Bitcoin Foundation, Naveen Jain, the founder of Moonlight Express, Dani Behrendt from Apple, and many more serial entrepreneurs, who are driven to change the world through innovation.

The conference offers its attendees the opportunity to join 60+ speakers and 50+ investors for two days of non-stop intellectual stimulation by means of galvanizing talks on the future of tech & business.

©DigitalK 2016, Youtube 

After the Webit, which was hold in Sofia last April and on which we wrote an article, DigitalK will be the second world class conference happening in Sofia this year.

Sofia and Bulgaria in general, is for sure becoming a major world spot for high tech.

The quality of the workforce, the easiness to create and run a business, the fluency of the local population in English, and the vision of some local entrepreneurs are definitely giving to Sofia the dynamism that a city needs to count on the world scene. Believe us, Sofia does not have anything to envy to any other European capital and,

DigitalK is the proof that Sofia can attract some of the brightest brains in the world.

Don’t miss your chance to attend a conference that few cities in the world are able to host. You can directly visit the official website of DigitalK in order to learn more about the program and purchase your tickets. And you know what ? Because you are reading Madame Bulgaria Magazine, you even can benefit from a 20% OFF using the following code madamebulgaria@digitalk when you purchase your ticket !

So, do not waste a single minute, buy your ticket and onboard the time machine which will show you the future !

More : Sofia Event Center, Cherni Vrah Blvd 100, Paradise Center, Floor 3 – 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria / +359 700 10 050 / / Facebook




Alexandre Kolow

Entrepreneurship & Economics Editor

Alexander felt in love with Bulgaria when he came for the first time in 2003 to work for a French company. He believes that Bulgaria is like a rough diamond which has still not been cut.

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