10 Bulgarian Landscape Photographers You Should Follow

Bulgarian Photographers

Bulgaria is an amazing, impressive and surprising European country. More, Bulgaria is also one of the most beautiful. Today, we propose you to discover 10 Bulgarian photographers who, through their camera, offer the best part of Bulgaria capturing its incredible landscapes.

Everyday we never stop to discover on the web new beautiful photographies about Bulgaria, always more beautiful and surprising. They offer us pleasure and an immense desire for escape. And each time we say « Wouaaaa ! it is amazing, we have to go there ». Behind these photographies are passionated and talented photographers, in love with Bulgaria. Of course, these talented Bulgarian photographers are more than only 10, but we may not have enough a week to list all of them. Who are the photographers we follow regularly ?


   1. Andrey Andreev

Photographers© Andre Andreev, Rose picking in Kazanlak area, Bulgaria 

Andrey Andreev is one of these Bulgarian photographers we follow since the beginning. Why ? in addition to being gifted, he is everywhere in Bulgaria. You know probably personally Andrey or you know someone who knows him, sure. Very implicated and really passionated, Andrey is a traveler and photographer with a passion for landscape and urban photography in Bulgaria, the Balkans and more. With his attractive blog and Maria his wife, also Editor, he shares about his trip and help readers to organize their own trip in Bulgaria and enjoy the best experience by providing useful information, realistic photos and a scent of personal attitude for the best adventures in Bulgaria. A couple to follow definitely. www.andrey-andreev.com / Instagram / Facebook

   2. Veselin Atanasov

Photographers© Veselin Atanasov, Kardzhali, Bulgaria 

Veselin is a Bulgarian photographer from Stara Zagora, who telling us his travels in pictures. No blog, no website, no more about him in his Facebook page. Just sensational and impressive photographies taken in the four corners of the world but also in Bulgaria and medals won in International Photography competitionsSometimes one wonders where he was perched to take his picture as it seems improbable. An adventurer to follow definitely. Instagram / Facebook

   3. Maya V

Photographers©Maya V, Lavender Fields, Bulgaria 

Maya is a young Bulgarian photographer, with a facebook page since January 2017. She is passionate about travel and photograph, and captures the most wonderful moments during her journeys. She tells hope, through her pictures, to make her followers day « sunnier » and make them feel at least some of the emotions that she lived. A promising photographer we will follow. Facebook.

   4. Emil Rashkovski

Photographers©Emil Rashkovski, Buzludzha communist monument, Balkan mountains, Bulgaria

Emil is a Bulgarian photographer who has always been fascinated by nature and its beauty. Photography is for him just the instrument that helps him to express the way he perceives it. And we can tell that his pictures are impressive. Emil loves the creative process, in which he put his own interpretation of the subject trying to express his feelings about what he sees. He likes to focus on the fleeting but also most beautiful moments of sunrise, sunset, night lights, starry sky. For him, these transformations are truly magical, showing the eternal cycle when the day dies but is always born again. Bravo! Facebook / Flickr

   5. Plamen Petkov

Photographers©Plamen Petkov, Stone Mushrooms near Beli plast village, Bulgaria 

Plamen is a Bulgarian photographer interested in everything. His photographies are a representation of Bulgarian life, through his people, events, celebrations, festivals and traditions. You also can find in his Facebook page some interesting movies taken during various Bulgarian celebrations. He shares on his blog moments of life and many photos. We like the lightness and the professionalism. Blog / Facebook

   6. Ivo Petrov

Bulgarian Photographers©Ivo Petrov, Chapel « St Joan Letni » on the banks of the Pchelina Dam, Bulgaria 

Ivo is a Sofia based hobby photographer with a passion for astrophotography. He finds this kind of shots extremely fascinating because of the fact that they tend to show objects and places that one would call trivial (because they have been shot so many times) in a way we are not used to see them. For Ivo, the human eye is such an imperfect organ of our body and we miss so much beauty at night that surrounds us. His mission is to show that we are constantly surrounded by this beauty of the endless cosmic abyss. He would like his pictures to be like a gentle whisper from the past of Exupéry’s words that « it is only with the heart that one can see rightly – what is essential is invisible to the eye « . Follow Ivo here :  Facebook /Website under construction (soon!)

   7. Peter Todorov

Photographers©Peter Todorov, Back Sea Coast, Bulgaria

With Victoria, his partner, they are both passionated photographers in love with life, travels, and adventures. For them, life is a wonderful journey and their goal is to do as much as possible, colorful and evocative. In their blog, you can find their articles about their adventures and lot of beautiful pictures about Bulgaria. www.sunrisinglife.com / Facebook 

   8. Kalin Panchev

Photographers ©Kalin Panchev, Rila National Park, Bulgaria 

Kalin is a Bulgarian photographer offering portrait and landscape photography with the idea to combine the both in a same picture. We love his pictures for their freshness and the feeling of escape and lightness they provide us. Facebook.

   9. Petar Bogdanov

Photographers©Petar Bogdanov, Nesebar, Black Sea, Bulgaria 

Petar is a Bulgaria photographer looking for the moments that nature shows him – its beauty, endless secrets, variety and vastness beyond the imagination. He tries to keep these moments as proof, to share them with people. He also hopes the skeptics will touch these moments and make sure that it makes sense to protect nature. Good philosophy, we approve. www.petarbogdanov.net / Facebook

   10. Krasimir Petrov

Photographers©Krasimir Petrov, Belogradchik Rocks, Bulgaria 

Native of Vidin, in Bulgaria, the passion of Krasimir for photography is inextricably linked to the mountain. It is the climb to interesting places and the quest of the unknown that awakened in him the natural desire to share the experiences. His favorite genres are landscape and nature. Do not wait more to discover his photographies. www.krasimirpetrov.com / Facebook

Marie Pietrzak

Founder & Editorial Director

Marie is the founder of Madame Bulgaria. She fell in love with Bulgaria when she came for the first time for a weekend in 2012.

  1. It is difficult to make a comment, as I expect that it was a difficult task for you to select 10 photographers for your post. After looking at your choices I recognize that some photographers are established and some are still on their way, but all are worthy of a place in your top ten.
    Of course photographers such as Andrey Andreev are professional while others are amateur and this means that the professional ones have far more exposure which gives them an advantage.
    ‘Enhancing’ for want of a better description for altering photographs to make them more appealing is something I don’t admire and yet it is done more and more as the ‘art of enhancing’ is becoming easier. I don’t know how this affects your choice.
    What you have done is to be applauded as it is good for Bulgaria as well as it is for photographers, but perhaps you could have indicated that these 10 photographers were your choice, instead of stating the these ere the best ten to follow.
    I kept hoping to see Polina Ivanovo of Cherven Btryag listed as one of the ten but she missed the cut if you have even see her photographs. She is an amateur but roams Bulgaria and produces many Albums or her work on Facebook.
    As I said before, I admire your post and for bring notice to photography and the beauty of Bulgaria. Well done.

    1. Dear Douglas, Thank you so much for your message. As we mentioned it on our introduction, There are many talented and passionated Bulgarian photographers in Bulgaria, and we could not mentionned everyone as this would be the case in our wildest dreams ;-). We selected the 10 first one we follow every week. Of course, it is the first article about the profession and we project to continue to made the promotion of the Bulgarian Photography Art. For this reason, we are really open to write personal articles about Bulgarian photographers, professional or not, simply passionate. Polina Ivanovo, that we did not know (we are french, we do not know every photographers in Bulgaria ;-)) is welcomed to contact us to propose us to write an article about her, definitely ! It will be a very nice idea. Have a beautiful day Douglas

    1. Hi John, Thank you for your message. We mentioned the Facebook page and website (when they have) for the 10 photographers, at the end of their paragraphs :-). But apparently the link do not work. We will make the modification, many thanks !

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