Explore the Balchik Botanical Garden and Palace

Balchik Botanical Garden

The Balchik Botanical Garden and Palace are definitely the « must see » in Balchik, and the main attraction in town. Located at 45 km North to Varna, the area deserves a stop. What more about ? 

If there is indeed an historical place to visit on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, it is about this one. The Balchik Botanical Garden complex is really nice and architectural. Impeccably maintained, this magnificent 10 hectares garden hosts a Palace completed in 1926 by King Ferdinand of Romania for his English wife, Queen Marie, when Balchik was part of Romania. The whole complex have been designed and thought to be autonomous with all the necessary equipments and buildings. It includes some residential villas, a winery, a power station, a monastery, a holy spring, some bathes, the bridge of sighs, the tiny Chapel of Sveta Bogoroditsa and many other buildings. There were even a post office, and a small military detachment at this place. Behind the palace, are the extensive botanical gardens. Really impressive, the area offers over 3000 varieties of shrubs, cactus, roses and flowers, set among streams, waterfalls, and ornamental channels. The « Sinyata Valna » garden is just an enormous and amazing place, full of multicolor beautiful fragrant roses, but also tulips, jasmine, narcissi, clematis, iris…. Kind Ferdinand I and Queen Marie had a strong passion for plants and flowers and together they shared the delight. Breathe the air, it smells so good. Strolling there is really nice and very relaxing. Take a few hours to really enjoy the garden and its view on sea. Some restaurants welcome you for the lunch. 

More : Click on the link for address / Hours : Mon-Sun, 8:00am-8:00pm / Price : 25 levas to access to the Garden and Palace / www.ubg-bg.com / To know more about Balchik : here.

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Balchik Botanical Garden

Marie Pietrzak

Founder & Editorial Director

Marie is the founder of Madame Bulgaria. She fell in love with Bulgaria when she came for the first time for a weekend in 2012.

1 Comment
  1. My top favorite places in Bulgaria! I try to get back here every year and get lost in the beautiful Botanical gardens and I think more people should.

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