Made in Blue, my summer spot in Sofia #1

We all need to know or discover spots where it is very nice, cool, and comfortable to have a meal or just a drink during summer. « Made in Blue » restaurant in Sofia is definitely one of them. Come, come, I present you !

About the place, for those who know some restaurants in Sofia, the « Made in Blue » will remind them the name of another trendy spot in Sofia. Which one ? the « Made in Home »Bingo !! Opened in May 2016 (so, very NEW !), this atypical place is the little sister of it for our entire pleasure.

Always looking for that kind of place, I booked a table immediately to discover it. Arrived there, we know it is there. It’s a whole house painted in blue (little yellow) with a BEAUTIFUL GARDEN/TERRACE and colorful flowers. The exterior is retro and artsy. Inside the house is just as surprising as its exterior. There is no other house like this one in the street or even further. The atmosphere of the place will not leave you indifferent and you will feel almost like at home. To revive an old abandoned house is for me an extraordinary idea. The Challenge is noted here. So, I won’t tell you more about the design and architecture of this place (no picture, too) in order to let you discover it by yourself.

About the meals, the « Made in Blue » restaurant seems to offer dishes that do not exist elsewhere. It’s not Bulgarian, not Italian, not American, not French, not Turk, … it’s just « Made in Blue » and that’s a lot. Hummus with veal & tripe, veal tongue with teriyaki & radishes, Karnitas Burrito with roasted pork & vegetables, curry mussels with coconut, salad with cherries, herbal beef caftan with bulgur pilaff, chicken fillet & Zucchini mash, sheep cheese & corn bread, raspberry cheesecake… are some of meals you have to discover immediately and without any moderation. For drinks, the home made lemonades are very delicious and refreshing. 

So, definitely a place to spend a good and relaxing time alone, together or with lot of friends.

more information about

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Opening time : Mon. to Thi. : 10:30 am – 10:30 / Fri. to Sun. : 10:30 am – 11:30 pm

Address : str. « Yuri Venelin » 6 / +359(0)89 857 9999 /

Price (2016) : Main dish : +- 12 BGN (6€) – Dessert : 6,90 BGN (3,50€) – Wine glass : 4,80 BGN (2,50€) – Lemonade :  3,90 BGN (2€)

More : Speak english – English Menu – Make a reservation is better – Paid in cash only.


Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Karnitas Burrito with roasted pork and vegetables, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Made in Blue salad, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Home made Strawberry Lemonade, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Made in Blue salad, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Chicken fillet & Zucchini mash, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Oven roasted stuffed sweet potato, cheese & olives, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Raspberry cheesecake, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Made in Blue Restaurant Sofia Bulgaria
Homemade Raspberry Ice cream, « Made in Blue » Restaurant, Sofia
Marie Pietrzak

Founder & Editorial Director

Marie is the founder of Madame Bulgaria. She fell in love with Bulgaria when she came for the first time for a weekend in 2012.

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